POPDES Profile

Ilana Seleznev

At this stage, the designer’s influence is undeniable. Their designs inspire others and are shaping trends within their field. From Israel. Specializing in Art and Stationery Supplies Design, Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design, Furniture Design.

POPDES - Popular Designers

Global Ranking of Ilana Seleznev

Below, the current world ranking of Ilana Seleznev is shown, along with their POPDES Points and estimated impressions. Data indicates that At this stage, the designer’s influence is undeniable. Their designs inspire others and are shaping trends within their field. Ilana Seleznev is expert in Art and Stationery Supplies Design, Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design, Furniture Design among other design and creative capabilities.

Global Rank Full Name POPDES Points Estimated Impressions Profile ID Global Average Views Performance Factor
#1533 Ilana Seleznev 48,742 12,185,500 № 186909 79,587.94 0.61x

Note: Estimated impressions are calculated as 250 times the number of profile views, based on a typical click-through rate (CTR) for display ads of 0.25%. This means that for every 1,000 impressions, you might expect 2.5 clicks. This is a very rough estimate and may vary significantly depending on actual engagement levels. Factors such as ad design, audience targeting, content type, and platform can all influence these results. If you are a designer or architect and wish to get included in this list, please apply through A' Design Award and Competition. The rankings above are based on number of profile views and press mentions for award winning designers. If you are an award winning designer who wish to move higher in popular designer rankings, please feel free to share your A' Design Award profile in your social networks, and link to your designer profile at A' Design Awards from your websites; each time your profile is seen by a visitor, it will contribute a point towards your profile. POPDES Rankings were last updated on Wednesday 12th of February 2025 04:19:35 PM. Actual impressions and views are expected to be higher.

Ilana Seleznev

Ilana Seleznev

Israel | Professional

At this stage, the designer’s influence is undeniable. Their designs inspire others and are shaping trends within their field.

About the Designer

Ilana Seleznev is an established designer from Israel, known for their exceptional work in Art and Stationery Supplies Design and Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design. They has garnered significant recognition, with 48,742 profile views reflecting their growing influence in the field. Ilana Seleznev's designs are characterized by innovation and a unique perspective.

Popularity Comparison

Primary Design Fields

Top Expertise Areas

Category Prominence
Furniture 5
Art Supplies 2
Kitchenware 2

Popularity Metrics

Ranking #1533
Total Views 48,742
POPDES Score 48.74
Est. Impressions 12,185,500

Award-Winning Designs

Flower Vase
Flower Vase

Furniture Design 2019 Bronze

View Details
Colorful Calendar
Colorful Calendar

Art and Stationery Supplies Design 2021 Iron

View Details
3D Plate
3D Plate

Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design 2021 Iron

View Details
Rack For Glasses
Rack For Glasses

Furniture Design 2020 Iron

View Details

Diverse Rankings

Further Rankings and Classifications
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DAC Design Classifications

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DAC - Design Classifications is a merit based ranking of designers for each and every industrial sector. Designers sorted by number of Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron Design Awards won.

R+ Designer Rankings
R+ Designer Rankings

World's best designers, in all countries, in all categories.

Who is the very best, award-winning designer, from all countries, in all industries?

R+ Designer Rankings is a merit based ranking of all designers in all countries in all design fields. Designers sorted by number of Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron Design Awards won.

WDR World Design Rankings
WDR World Design Rankings

World's best designers from all countries.

World's best designer countries? Who are the best designers from each country?

WDR - World Design Rankings presents you the ranking of best countries in design, for each country you can further discover leading designers, top design brands and excellent design agencies.

DI Design Insights
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Which country is good at what type of design?

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POPDES Popular Designers
POPDES Popular Designers

World's best designers, ranked by popularity.

Who are the World's most popular designers? Who is the most famous designer in the World?

Designers worldwide are ranked for their popularity and interest. Sorting is based on number of times the designer profiles and designs were viewed.

Color Building

Popular Designers

Popular Designers (POPDES) lists top designers worldwide using the POPDES Score. Designers with the highest POPDES Score are displayed first. The POPDES Score is calculated based on number of press interests, designer profile views, design views and impressions; it is an indicator of how famous a designer, architect or design team is, based on their audience of reach. Working with high ranking designers can help you reach more people, new markets, press members, prospective clients and new possibilities.

The POPDES ranks the World's top award winning designers, only the top 5000 are shown. POPDES ranked designers are the true celebrities of the design industry. Working with designers with high POPDES ranks could create many potential benefits such as increased press appearances thus reducing marketing expenditure, influencing customer purchases through tapping into their loyal followers, can help position your brand as a design oriented original innovator, working with the top POPDES designers can help create a positive responses about your products and brand; positioning your products as trustworthy, attractive, likeable, well-thought. Working with a good designer is essential for having truly great products that deliver efficiency, aesthetics as well as market value. To make the list more worthy, only award winning designers were assigned a POPDES score.

Design Rankings

Scope and Coverage


POPDES Popular Designers Rankings cover all countries and regions from across the globe.


POPDES Popular Designers Rankings cover all industries, creative domains and economic sectors.


POPDES Ranks designers based on their popularity, most famous designers are shown first.

Design Industries

& Creative Fields Covered

Product Design

Design of industrial, utilitarian, mass-market products.

Architectural Design

Architecture, urban design, landscape design, interior design.

Fashion Design

Fashionwear, accessories, jewelry, footwear and wearables.

Communication Design

Graphics, packaging, interface, interaction, and advertising.

Service Design

Design of high-quality, positive experiences and services.

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Exclusive Insights: Ilana Seleznev's Impact on Art and Stationery Supplies Design, Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design, and Furniture Design
Uncover the story behind designs reshaping the industry

Gain unprecedented access to Ilana Seleznev's creative journey and industry-changing designs. Our curated press resources offer in-depth looks at award-winning projects, high-resolution visuals, and exclusive quotes that illuminate the intersection of creativity and functionality.

Elevate Your Brand with Ilana Seleznev's Expertise in Art and Stationery Supplies Design and Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design
Harness award-winning design strategies to drive tangible business results

Ilana Seleznev's portfolio showcases a proven track record of transforming client challenges into design triumphs. With notable projects in Art and Stationery Supplies Design, Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design, and Furniture Design, Ilana Seleznev brings a versatile skill set to every collaboration.

Learn from Ilana Seleznev's Journey in Art and Stationery Supplies Design and Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design
Gain valuable insights from an industry leader's experiences and methodologies

Dive into Ilana Seleznev's creative process and career path through our collection of interviews, articles, and case studies. Understand the challenges and triumphs that shaped their approach to Art and Stationery Supplies Design, Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design, and Furniture Design.

Collaborate with Ilana Seleznev: A Visionary in Art and Stationery Supplies Design and Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design
Bring award-winning expertise to your next groundbreaking project

Ilana Seleznev's portfolio demonstrates exceptional versatility and innovation across Art and Stationery Supplies Design, Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design, and Furniture Design. With a track record of successful projects that have redefined industry standards, Ilana Seleznev offers a unique blend of creative vision and practical execution.

Inspire Your Audience with Ilana Seleznev's Insights on Art and Stationery Supplies Design and Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design
Bring cutting-edge design perspectives to your next event

Ilana Seleznev offers compelling talks on the intersection of design, innovation, and business, drawing from extensive experience in Art and Stationery Supplies Design, Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design, and Furniture Design. From keynote addresses to panel discussions, Ilana Seleznev engages audiences with thought-provoking ideas and practical insights.

Explore Ilana Seleznev's Visionary Work in Art and Stationery Supplies Design and Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design
Immerse yourself in the world of award-winning design

Delve into Ilana Seleznev's portfolio of groundbreaking projects across Art and Stationery Supplies Design, Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design, and Furniture Design. Our curated gallery offers high-resolution images, detailed project descriptions, and insights into the design process.

A' Design Awards

Recognizing Best Designs Worldwide
A' Design Awards

A' Design Award & Competition

POPDES - Popular Designers is brought to you by A' Design Awards and Competition, one of the World’s largest and most influential design accolades, organized in over hundred design disciplines, with participation from all countries, that recognizes, promotes, highlights and advertises good design and good designers worldwide.

A' Design Award aims incentivize designers, architects, design agencies, brands, businesses and institutions worldwide to come up with superior products, projects, services and experiences that benefit and advance society, by promoting original and innovative design works in all industries and in all countries. Entries to the A' Design Award and Competition are blind peer-reviewed and voted on pre-established voting criteria by a grand design award jury panel that brings together World’s most prominent design professionals, influential press members, established academics and leading entrepreneurs. A' Design Award laureates are granted a series of public-relations and advertising to once again recognize, celebrate and promote their excellent design work.

If you have good design, you could get listed at POPDES. Get a free design score by sending your work to A' Design Award. The preliminary design score is provided completely free of charge, without any obligations and is confidential.

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